Highlights from our Fun Moments

Plant Sale

Hordee Happenings

Garden Tour

Some of our Volunteers
at the District Seminar
The Gardener - some musical fun!
This song was presented at the OHA District 4 meeting on October 26 in Fenelon Falls to celebrate FFHSs 100 years and to honour FFHS President, Kathy Armstrong and a former secretary, Dorothy Macintyre who would go door to door, selling Horticultural Society memberships for $1.00.
Sing these words to the tune of "The Gambler".
On a warm summer’s eve You gotta learn when to weed it
On my knees in the garden Learn when to feed it
I met up with a gardener Learn when to dig it up
We were both too tired to weed Learn when to prune
So we took turns at snapping You never count your harvest
The deadheads off the flowers When you’re picking off the critters
And when the final bloom had fallen There’ll be time enough for counting
She began to speak When you’ve trapped the 'coon.
She said, “Hon, I’ve made a life Every gardener knows
Out of reading people’s gardens That the secret to surviving
Knowing what the plants are Is joining up with others
By the dirt under their nails. To share the wisdom round
So if you don’t mind me saying, So let me tell you now
I can see you’re out of compost About the greenest group in Fen'lon
For a cutting of your roses The hundred year old hort group
I’ve got advice that never fails" That has changed the shape of town
So I handed her my clippers And when she finished speaking
And she snipped off a small cutting She dug down in her pocket
Then she bummed my trowel Handed me a member form
And asked me for a pot And asked for twenty bucks
And as the night got quiet And suddenly I realized
And mosquitoes whined around us How the membership had blossomed
She said, “If you're gonna garden And the group had kept on growing
You gotta use the soil you’ve got. And the gardens run amok
You gotta learn when to weed it
Learn when to feed it
Learn when to dig it up
Learn when to prune
You never count your harvest
When you’re picking off the critters
There’ll be time enough for counting
When you’ve trapped the 'coon
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