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Events Calendar
Our Annual events are listed here for an at a glance overview, so you can add them to your calendar. For more information on the upcoming event, click the button below.
Please note that changes to schedule may occur due to unforeseen circumstances. We will try to notify you of these changes in advance by email, but in some cases it may be short notice. Please check our website, your email and our social media pages the day of the event, for any updates regarding changes.
To stay in the know and receive updates, news and events please sign up for our newsletter.
2024 Scheduled Events
Please note: all meetings will be held at the Seniors Club, 58 Murray Street Fenelon Falls
except for the on site visits.
March 25
6:45 pm
Garden Planning:
Edibles for the Win
MJ Pilgrim
Seed Swap
April 22
6:45 pm
Containers with Pizzazz
Vikki Whitney
May 25
8am-2 pm
Maryboro Lodge Museum
May 27
6:45 pm
Gardening With & For Critters
Thom Luloff
June 24
6:45 pm
The Astonishing Insects that Inhabit your Garden
Sylvia Keesmaat
July 22
6:45 pm
Summer Picnic
Log Chateau Park
August 26
6:45 pm
Celebrating 150 Years of Fenelon
Discovering the Healing Potential of your Garden
Sabrina Cooper
September 23
6:45 pm
Medicine Wheel Gardens & Their Plants
Robyn Ivory & John McIntosh
October 28
6:45 pm
The Land Between: What Do You Mean?
Leora Berman
November 25
6:00 pm
Pot Luck & AGM
12 Plants of Christmas
Joan Harding
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