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Join Us, Everyone Welcome

Many have the misconception that this is a women only organization and that is absolutely not the case.  We welcome all of you who have an interest in plants, vegetables, gardening, the environment and preserving nature  just to name a few.  We are an inclusive organization wanting to share, learn and grow. 


This is a non-obligation membership, however we always welcome volunteers to help with events, in the gardens and programming.  


There is a $20 annual fee that includes FREE access to our monthly in person meetings, which you will find very informative, fun and engaging.  We invite guest speakers on various horticulture related topics and we also have opportunities to attend onsite visits within the area. 


Annual Membership is $20

Membership must be renewed in October of each year.


Please use the digital membership form below or print PDF.  Currently payment must be submitted by either e-transfer, mailed, or paid in person at a general meeting, until we set up an easier payment method.  Thank You for your patience 

1.  Please download the PDF by clicking on it.   Print.  Mail or email form. 

2.  Submit Payment $20


Mailing cheque to:


Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society

198 Pickerel Point Rd,

Lindsay, ON K9V 4R6




E-transfer $20 to:

(please add your name(s) to the notes section)




In person at a general meeting


When we have received your payment and membership form and a receipt will be issued to you by mail or electronically.


We look forward to you joining us and becoming part of the Fenelon Falls

Horticultural Society!


We are always looking for volunteers to help on our committees. Without our volunteers we wouldn't be able to do what we do.  A few hours goes a long way!!!



How would you like to contacted
Is there a particular area of interest you would like to be involved in with our Society?
Do you give permission to share your contact information with committee/activity leaders for your interest in particular areas listed above ?

NOTE: On occasion, we take photos of events and meetings. These photos may appear on our website, in our newsletter, the OHA Trillium newsletter, or in other community publications. Please indicate below whether or not you give consent to use your photo in this way. Your contact information will not be used on the website or in any publication without your permission.

I give permission for my photo to be used on sites/newsletters FFHS deems appropriate

Membership is $20 per year, which  begins in October each calendar year.  Must renew membership in October


Payment accepted by e-transfer or mailing cheque. Be sure to include your name(s) Please see left column on how you can submit payment. 

Payment to submitted upon Registration 

Please let us know how you will submit your payment.

Thank you for submitting your membership and joining us!

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