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Read more about our presenters and events. Each month we will post all you need to know here.

Creating a Bird Friendly Garden 

Join us for an enlightening presentation with Thom Luloff, hosted by the Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society, where we delve into the art of creating a bird-friendly garden.  Throughout the presentation, Tom will uncover the essential elements that make a garden a welcoming haven for birds, from providing ample food sources and nesting materials to offering suitable shelter and water features.


He will delve into the fascinating behaviours and preferences of common bird species, providing insights into their dietary needs, nesting habits, and seasonal migrations. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be better equipped to tailor your garden design and maintenance practices to meet the specific needs of your feathered guests throughout the year.


Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just beginning to cultivate your green thumb, this presentation offers practical tips and inspiration for transforming your outdoor space to create a bird-friendly garden that nurtures the intricate tapestry of biodiversity that enriches our natural world.

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About Tom Luloff


Thom Luloff is a Professor in the Conservation Biology and Fish and Wildlife programs at the School of Environmental Resources and Natural Sciences, Fleming College.   Thom has spent his career in wildlife science, completing his degrees in Medical Science from Western University, and working on research projects at the Advanced Facility for Avian Research and the Toronto Zoo.  


Thom is passionate about wildlife conservation and protecting species at risk.  He is the Senior Wildlife Biologist at Kawartha Wildlife Centre and is the Liaison to Nature Canada for Bird Friendly Cities Peterborough, bringing his expertise in animal biology to help guide these organizations in making decisions that are ecologically sound and best serve Ontario's native species.


Thom grew up outside of Pembroke, Ontario and currently lives with his wife and three kids on a 50-acre farm in Selwyn which he has turned into a grassland-bird conservation project, complete with landscape modification to create habitat for amphibians, reptiles, and of course, birds!  


Thom is working to complete the educational requirements to be a Master Gardener through courses at the University of Guelph, and is also taking an apiary course this spring.


His favourite colour is green, and he has a completely irrational dislike of chocolate ice cream!

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