May 30, 2019
We may have had rain but it was a success
So we had a little rain. That has never stopped a gardener!                  The Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society 100th Anniversary                    Plant Sale on Saturday, May 25, 2019 was a resounding                   success! What a great location at Maryboro Lodge, the                   Fenelon Museum.Â
Thanks to Darlene Young and her team of                               enthusiastic volunteers, it was a great day. Teams of                      volunteers had travelled to gardens last fall and this spring to               help with dividing plants and potting and labeling, so there               were plants everywhere! Society volunteers helped with set up on Friday and were on site Saturday to move equipment, and plants, and then stayed all day to help customers, and vendors. Members of the Green Team helped customers get their purchases safely to their cars. Customers were able to view the film, "A Gardener's Family in the Museum theatre. There were gently used gardening books, FFHS t-shirts and coffee mugs for sale as well as memberships and passports to our upcoming Garden Tour. Children could participate in activities planned just for them. The vendors were a great addition to the event. Thanks so much to Christine Handley of Handley Acres Custom Creations, Leslie from Crow Hill Farm, Irene Keesmat, Julie Moore of Modern Landscape Designers, Sylvia from Russett House Farm, Sheri's Home Baking, Spiraea Herbs + Snail Trails Homestead, RusTic Revival GarDen Art, Square Peg Woodworking and Nar's Spice Bazaar.   Three cheers for all the people who came out in the rain to purchase plants for their gardens. It was great to see the number of people looking for native plants. We hope you found what you wanted. Do come out to one of our monthly meetings and see what else the FFHS has to offer.   Â